Writing is the Name of the GameAllison Keeton's passion for writing started in poetry and picture books when she was seven years old and branched into writing mysteries and suspense --for adults, middle grade and young adults--and non-fiction works.
Her first novel is Blaze Orange, Book One in the Midcoast Maine Mystery series. Book Two comes out February 2026. Allison holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Lesley University in Cambridge, MA. She's been twice accepted into Rutgers University’s invitation-only writers’ conference and is a member of the national and New England chapters of Mystery Writers of America and Sisters in Crime, and locally, the Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance. She's attended numerous writing conferences including the Writers’ Police Academy in Green Bay, WI, where she learned quickly she was not a sharp shooter. On the non-fiction front, Allison has written human resource articles for national websites and published a digital book on job hunting called Ace that Interview:Advice from a Real Recruiter that continues to draw new readers. She also writes a creative non-fiction blog, Largest Ball of Twine, available through this website's blog section. Allison lives in Maine with her muse, Tom, and their two poochies, Kelton and Roger. When she's not at her laptop, she can be found out walking a hiking trail, paddling a river, or reading at the beach. Follow Allison on Twitter/X @akeetonbooks, on Instagram @allie129, and on Facebook @AKeetonBooks. Allison can also be reached at [email protected] |